Privacy Policy

Kerang Baptist Church and Your Privacy

On May 25, 2018, because of new requirements to the European privacy law called the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR), companies updated their privacy and data collection and retention policies.

Kerang Baptist Church and its members have always cared about your privacy and hope that our actions speak louder than words. Not only have we updated our Privacy Policy but more so, we have evaluated our internal processes and made adjustments on how we will handle these new requirements within our daily operation and in the flow of your data.

Our Privacy Policy will take effect on May 25, 2018. If you continue to use our website and any services after that date, it means you agree to these new terms. We’ve always kept your data personal and private, and we will never sell or offer your personal information to others.

While GDPR only holds us accountable for how we process EU users’ personal data, we’ve taken this opportunity to review our practices and ensure that our high standards for data privacy extend to everyone.

Please find our full Privacy Policy below.
Thank you for reading and God bless.

Michael Douthat
Website Administrator.


Our Commitment

Kerang Baptist Church is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. Kerang Baptist Church has created this privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for Kerang Baptist Church.

What we collect:

Kerang Baptist Church does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals, except when such individuals specifically provide such information voluntarily. For example, such personally identifiable information may be gathered from our Contact us page or via postal mail or email for subscription or services and in connection with content submissions, community postings (e.g., Church Contact Directory), suggestions and transactional areas.

Personally identifiable information on individual users will not be sold or otherwise transferred to unaffiliated third parties without the approval of the user at the time of collection. We do reserve the right to possibly perform statistical analyses of user behaviour, attendance and characteristics to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site and to inform the Baptist Union of Victoria our attendance and other metrics for the purposes of licensing etc (e.g. software and copyright).

Upon request, we will allow any user to “opt-out” of further promotional contacts at any time.

Additionally, upon request, we will use reasonable efforts to allow users to update/correct or delete personal information previously submitted which the user states is erroneous, to the extent such activities will not compromise privacy or security interests. Also, upon a user’s request, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to functionally delete the user and his or her personal information from any database; however, it may be impossible to delete a user’s entry without some residual information because of backups and records of deletions.

Who has Access:

Access to any data containing personal information is restricted to Kerang Baptist Church staff members (i.e. pastors, elders and/or deacons) with direct responsibility for service or management of the website and/or pastoral care/events. Authorised staff members will not pass on information to non-authorised staff.

Kerang Baptist Church reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existence of a new privacy statement. This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

Access to Your Data:

Our site provides users the opportunity to contact us via our Contact us page and online form.

Should users require access to their data or request deletion of records, the following options are available:

  1. You can email our secretary, or;
  2. send a letter to;
  3. Kerang Baptist Church
  4. PO Box 181
  5. Kerang VIC 3579

Last updated: 23 January 2019

Kerang Baptist Church Privacy Policy

23 January 2019

Kerang Baptist Church (ABN: 62 592 900 545) is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which amends the Privacy Act 1988. (A summary of the APPs is below).

This policy sets out how we, Kerang Baptist Church will collect, use, store, disclose and de-identify your personal information.

The types of information we collect:

The types of personally identifiable and/or sensitive information we collect from you or others about you may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • your full name, gender and contact details (address, telephone numbers, email, etc)
  • donation history;
  • personal credit card and/or bank account details;
  • Working With Children Check number & expiry date (where required);
  • National Police Record number and date (where required);
  • complaint details;
  • professional and practice information including qualifications;
  • health/medical information;
  • religious information (including attendance, denominational details);
  • identity of persons who have the authority to collect your children from church activities;
  • records of visits to you, phone calls with you, and discussions around pastoral matters;
  • records of any communications that you have with us;
  • any idiosyncratic or personal information we obtain from you or others about you.
Why we collect private information:

We do not use the information in any way other than in the furtherance of our objects and purposes.

We collect information about people to allow us to communicate with them, introduce them to our organisation, promote the Gospel to them, pray and provide other Christian services to them and inform them of the work we do.  

We might also use your information for the following purposes:
  • for the immediate reason for which you have provided it to us (for example, to enable us to process your request, payment, registration, etc);
  • to maintain contact with you about our work, to report to you about our work, or to encourage you to learn about what we do;
  • any other purpose directly related to our work and for which you have provided consent (where it is reasonably required by law).
How we collect information:

We may collect information from you either directly or from third parties. Information we collect from third parties may be by formal or informal means.

Where we collect information from third parties and it is not personal information that is contained in a Commonwealth record, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the information as required by law.

We collect personal information about supporters, donors, volunteers, employees, contractors and visitors to our events. We collect your information in the following ways:

  • face-to-face contact;
  • electronically including through our website;
  • via social media messages or conversation;
  • during phone calls;
  • voice or image recordings;
  • whilst delivering and administering services at our facilities or other facilities;
  • from forms and other correspondence (both in writing and electronically).
Disclosing your personal information:

We only use your personal and sensitive information for the reason we collect it as set out above and for the purposes for which it was collected, or as otherwise permitted by law. 

We will not disclose the above information that we collect to affiliates or third parties without your consent.

We don’t rent, sell or exchange your information. The types of organisations to whom we normally disclose your personal information include those who help us administer our technology information systems, financial auditors and the Baptist Union of Victoria.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations when handling your personal information.

Disclosing your personal information overseas:

Occasionally we may use overseas facilities or contractors to process or backup information or to provide other services. As a result, we may disclose your personal information to our overseas facilities or contractors for these purposes. 

Any disclosure of your personal information overseas does not change our commitment to safeguarding your privacy. We do not otherwise disclose or transfer your personal information overseas.

How we protect your personal information:

We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal and sensitive information we hold and to protect it against loss, misuse or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure.

Our I.T. systems are strong password protected and comply with applicable security standards. Only authorised personnel are permitted to access these details.  

It is our policy to:
  • permanently de-identify personal information where reasonable and possible; and,
  •  destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need to retain it.

It is your right to be dealt with anonymously, provided that is it lawful and practicable. 

We will try to accommodate a request for anonymity wherever possible, however, we note that in some circumstances, this may prevent us from practically and effectively communicating with you. 

Third-party websites:

Our website may contain links to third party websites, and third party websites may also have links to our website. 

Our privacy policy does not apply to external links or other websites. The operators of other websites may collect your personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any website you link to from our website.


When you visit our website a record of your visit is logged. The following data is supplied by your browser:

  • Your IP address and/or domain name;
  • Your operating system (type of browser and platform);
  • The date, time and length of your visit to the website; and,
  • The resources you accessed and the documents you downloaded.
  • This information is used to compile statistical information about the use of our website. It is not used for any other purpose. 
  • If you do not want ‘cookies’ to be used, please adjust your browser settings to disable them.
Accessing, updating or changing your information:

You can access your information by asking us. Occasionally, we may need to refuse your request to access information, for example, where granting you access would infringe someone else’s privacy.

You can update or change your information with us by contacting the church Secretary.

Changes to the Kerang Baptist Church Privacy Policy:

Kerang Baptist Church may have to update this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example, to comply with changes to the Privacy Act. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 23 January 2019.

If you have concerns or a complaint:

If you require more information regarding the Kerang Baptist Church Privacy Policy, access or correction enquiries, or if you have a complaint regarding potential privacy breaches or how your personal information is handled, please:

  • email our secretary, or;
  • send a posted letter to;
  • The Secretary
  • Kerang Baptist Church
  • PO Box 181, Kerang VIC 3579

 If you’re not satisfied with how we have handled your complaint you can also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) on The OAIC is a government body independent of us. It has the power to investigate complaints about possible interference with your privacy.

Australian Privacy Principles – A Summary:

A summary of the Australia Privacy Principles (APP) can be read from here

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