Fleur’s Story – A Testimony July 30, 2023 Fleur Boal Baptism, Conflict, Endurance, Faith, Mercy, Testimony 1 Corinthians, 1 John Fleur Boal speaks her testimony today. While only brief, it’s quite a heavy story. And shows a deep faith in God.
The Power of your Story – Part 1 July 23, 2023 Fred Mugambi Grace, Mercy Psalms, Romans The power of your story – part 1 (Ps. Fred Mugambi). “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion…”
Trusting God In The Trials July 16, 2023 Leanne Pryor Anxiety, Assurance, Battles, Endurance, Faith, Family, Fear, Trust Isaiah, Psalms Today, Leanne Pryor speaks about the trials they have endured as a family, and trusting in God.
Paul’s Prayer for the Colossians July 9, 2023 Mark Wilkinson Encouragement, Prayer, Purpose, Redemption, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom Colossians, Mark, Philippians Mark Wilkinson – BUV “Paul’s prayer for the Colossians” (Colossians 1:9-13)