KBC Elder Steven Ford: “Where is our Mission Field?”
Elder Steven Ford: (Matthew 6:25-34; Joshua 24:15; Psalms 5:1-4) Are we not more than we cling to? Are we not so incredibly loved? Who holds you accountable? God deals with people. When we fail, God’s grace is sufficient.
Today, Leanne Pryor speaks about the trials they have endured as a family, and trusting in God.
An Elder at KBC, Steven Ford is speaking to us today on “Living Sacrifice”.
How to Overcome Worry and Fear – Ps. Fred Mugambi.
“Calm in the midst of the storm” Ps. Fred Mugambi.
As Ps Fred is ill, Ps Fred’s wife, Nancy (the one and only) 😉 tells us her story today. It’s a story about conflict, hope, peace. The title of “Jehovah Shalom- the Lord is Peace” is very apt…
Ps. Fred Mugambi and Jo Featonby. “Holiness: Don’t be afraid of the process”
“Let’s Dream” – Ps. Paul Downie, Aleisha Pryor, Brendon Steel.
“A Little step that is a giant leap of faith…”
“Lord Send Revival (Acoustic) – Hillsong Young & Free” https://youtu.be/ntqdAQjn5P0
** Apologies for lower-quality audio ** Generations Ministry Leader, Aleisha Pryor: “Does Jesus Have Your All?”